2022 News

Hallo Dear Visitor,

I hope this finds you in fine fettle – and if for some reason it doesn’t – call me !

I’m not a great one for tech, so please forgive my not having a hugely ‘active’ Website and I confess this is a rather overdue site update. So, my main news for 2022 here on the Website is that I got through the last two years and I am still working!

It’s been a vertical learning curve but I am now a ‘Zoomer’ ( not brilliant, but competent ). I owe huge and sincere thanks to every one of my fantastic class members and clients who stayed and Zoomed with me. It’s quite something to have now settled into a working mix of on-line and ‘live’ work, not a set up I ever thought I’d find myself in. Most importantly, I still genuinely love my job.

The Pandemic situation was a heck of a challenge. But “every cloud”, as they say. As the months passed it highlighted some very interesting issues to me. I was struck by a number of aspects of health, fitness, wellness, medicine, the human condition, all of which set me thinking very deeply. Far too many aspects to list or discuss here, but suffice to say I felt compelled to completely review every aspect of my work and vocation. That research has altered and improved my Instructing and knowledge in a way I could never have envisioned. I did literally hundreds of hours of listening and reading over the ‘oddness’ of 2020/21 and I have learned SO much. I now believe much of what we have been taught to think is true about Human Health simply isn’t.

I was my own Guinea Pig and applied what I learned to me, first. At 62 my own health and fitness has been measurably and immeasurably improved as a result of changes I implemented on Self over 18 months. That positive personal experience comparatively late in life has motivated me to adapt my work and my thinking. It has been exciting to share the knowledge and see similar positive results with my clients – and family – and friends.

Healthy Ageing is my raison d’etre. In 2021 I launched Ali’s Healthy Ageing Club for my clients to participate in. A monthly Zoom meet where I share and inform on all and any topics relating to Health and Ageing. Exercise, bone health, immune system, sleep, environmental stressors, breath work, medicines, cholesterol, nutrition, recipes….and much more – with Q & A sessions at each. Getting old is always gonna suck, especially if you have ‘issues’. That’s where I hope to help most. It can be empowering and reassuring to gain some sense of control and understanding of our ageing process so we don’t lose our joire de vivre – which is more vital than ever in these current times.

Please find, here on the now updated :o) site all the details you need about me, my Group Classes, Specialised Personal Training and my charges for 2022.

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